Inglés II - E - 2024
Licenciatura en Arquitectura

The course English 2 is designed to help students to feel more confident when having daily conversations, by improving their sentence structure skills while significantly increasing their vocabulary and critical thinking skills.


During this semester the student will continue to develop and expand on their language skills on the basis established in English I in the areas of Writing, Listening, Reading, and Speaking with the verb tenses Past Simple with regular and irregular verbs, Present Perfect comparative and superlative adjectives, countable and non-countable nouns, adverbs and new contents will be added such as: food, places and buildings, vacations, common adverbs among others, so that the student reaches a pre-intermediate level.

The course content includes reading, writing, audiovisual, listening and speaking components



Historia de la Arquitectura II - E - 2024
Licenciatura en Arquitectura

El curso de Historia de la Arquitectura II proporciona los elementos básicos para el conocimiento, análisise interpretación de los fundamentos de diseño con base en los aspectos: culturales, artísticos, religiosos, económicos, sociales y creativos del llamado período histórico Medieval.